Thursday, December 11, 2008

CPC Update

Yesterday, we had another ultrasound at the specialist's office to check on the cysts in the baby's brain. The ultrasound was more intensive than the previous one. They checked the heart, brain, and other major organs thoroughly, as well as other indicators like the face and the behavior of the hands. Thankfully, the cysts are gone and the baby looked completely normal! From what we read about choroid plexus cysts, it's normal for them to go away on their own (many people probably had them in utero but will never know because their mothers didn't get an ultrasound -- heck, I could have had them!). We have a follow-up ultrasound on January 28, just to make sure everything still looks good. We gladly scheduled it because my obgyn doesn't offer anymore ultrasounds after the 18 week one.

I have gained a hearty 17 pounds so far, which is incomprehensible to me since I had weighed the same for the past 12 years. The baby makes up one pound of this (so far).

Also, I am feeling the baby move more and more. It's not very strong and feels like tickling in my abdomen. Adam keeps encouraging it to become a ninja. I think he's amused that the kid will be smacking my insides around. I'm just glad to feel confirmation that it's in there and it's busy. :)

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