Merry Christmas to everyone (albeit, a bit late) and happy new year! Tomorrow, I will 24 weeks along, and I've been feeling great. I had a doctor's appointment last Friday, and he said everything looks good. I heard the heartbeat and was given clearance for my trip to Rochester in January. Dr. Ives said that as long as I'll be near a hospital with a NICU -- just in case -- it's fine for me to travel now. I was glad to hear this since we already bought my ticket.
Adam and I spent Saturday morning at Target finishing our baby registry. I think we have all the basic necessities on there. It was my goal not to go overboard and just register for essentials. We didn't register for things like clothes or toys because I figure people will find cute clothes and buy them just because they're cute and they're baby clothes. I mean, baby clothes are cute. We also didn't register for a crib or cradle because we have them on loan. The cradle is already set up in the baby's room.
I'm also trying to get a registry up at cottonbabies.com for cloth diapers. I've spent a lot of time researching cloth ones and would prefer to use them instead of loading up landfills with stinky, nonbiodegradable diapers. And new cloth diapers like these are cute and work like disposables (no diaper pins or folding necessary).
Admittedly, I think I'm going to be a granola mom. I'm okay with that.
Adam got to feel the baby move, which is exciting. The kick/punch combos keep getting stronger and occur most frequently when I'm reading in a quiet room. I've also been sleeping 9+ hours a night but feel good overall. I have a doctor's appointment before my trip north and another with the specialist the first week of February for our last ultrasound.
Also, according to some sources, the pregnancy has reached viability (though other sources say 27 weeks). So, Baby C's chances of making it as a premie have gone up. That's good news.
1 comment:
found your new blog through jenni and then clicked over here. just had to comment on the bumgenius. i love them! great choice. and cottonbabies is a great company with great products. congrats on the babe!
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