Monday, November 24, 2008

The Big Ultrasound

[ultrasound 18w3d]

There's Baby C, alive and kickin'. We had our big ultrasound Friday, and because my dad is here visiting, he got to go with us (what a surprise for a first-time grandpa, huh?). The baby is measuring great and has all of its parts -- two arms, two legs, one head, etc. The heartbeat was 136 and the baby weighed 10 ounces, about the weight of a full soda can.

My doctor said the ultrasound tech did see two small cysts near the baby's brain, a condition called choroid plexus cysts that has a weak connection to chromosomal abnormalities. After doing a little research, it looks like the cysts most frequently go away by themselves before the baby is even born. My doctor said it's not anything to worry about, but he's sending us to a specialist for another ultrasound just to be sure. I was a bit disheartened by all of this, but trust that the Lord will take care of it. And prayers are always welcome.

All in all, everything is going well. I feel pretty good and have enjoyed having a few days off of work to visit with my dad. There are a few more ultrasound pics here. Also, this is what I currently look like (after gaining 11 pounds so far).


Monday, November 17, 2008

Maternity Pants

This weekend, it was my mission to find two to three pairs of maternity pants that would get me through the next five months (sorry, corduroy, but you won't last past February) and would be appropriate for work and play. So, Saturday, I set out for the mall. I looked in a handful of stores (JC Penney, Dillard's, Ross, Target) that either didn't have a maternity section, had about two racks of clothes, or where the cut of the pants were awful. (Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I don't deserve to wear bootcut pants.) Also, apparently, pregnant women are meant to wear jeans almost exclusively, as they are in abundance compared to any other type of pant.

But then, Old Navy saved me. They had t-shirts on sale (one I bought was $1.99) and it was "stuff & save" time, which meant I saved an extra 20% when using my Gap card. Unfortunately, most of their seasonal clothes were pricey -- $30 for pants, $20 or more for shirts/sweaters -- so I ended up with just a pair of jeans, three short sleeved t-shirts, and a long sleeved t-shirt for $35. Not bad, but I still needed at least another pair of pants. Thankfully, yesterday, I went to Burlington Coat Factory on a recommendation and lucked out with two pairs of chinos that fit perfectly for less than $30 total.

So, now I sit here, wearing pants with elastic in the waistband. And it's not so bad . . . so far.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Exercise and My Pregnant Body

For being four months' pregnant, I am still very small. I measured my belly last weekend for the shirt I'm sewing, and it has grown to about 30 inches, enough to give me a slight muffin top as it hangs above the only pair of pants I can still button. I was surprised when a student of mine asked me last night if I am expecting, a fact I thought I could hide from the class at least until the end of the semester. (After I said yes, the student asked me if this is why I've been so mean to them at times. I've felt bad because I know I've been running low on patience. This made me feel like a total heel, but I digress.)

At my last doctor's appointment, I had only gained about a pound and a half. He didn't seem too concerned, but I know that during the second trimester, I should be gaining a pound a week. I have no idea if I'm actually accomplishing this since we don't own a scale and when I was at the gym the other day, found that the scale in the ladies' locker room had mysteriously disappeared. Suffice it to say, I eat -- a lot. And in the past month, since I've been taking the sewing class, I have exercised less during the week than I was during the first trimester. I hope this equates to a fair weight gain.

Wednesday night, I ran for the first time in over a week on the treadmill at the gym. The run I had previous to that was just awful -- trying to push myself to get through three miles while my hips ached so badly I wanted someone to carry me home. So, I hopped on the treadmill, hoping for the best. The first mile wasn't bad, but in the second, the aches started to set in.

A few years ago, I had a bad bout of sciatica in my left leg. It was so bad that I couldn't sleep for days and had to go to the chiropractor several times before it felt better. Apparently, many pregnant women have problems with their sciatic nerves, and I'm becoming one of them. Depending on what I do (for example, standing bent over a table cutting a sewing pattern for two hours), my hips and my left sciatic nerve start aching. So, when I got to mile two of my run, I started contemplating whether or not I should keep going.

A roommate of mine in college ran all the way through her pregnancy, until three days before her son was born. Paula Radcliffe, who just won the New York City marathon for the third time, quit running all together when pregnant with her daughter. I assumed I wouldn't be able to make it all the way through my pregnancy but didn't anticipate giving up running so soon. Not to say that I'm giving up all together, but I can't push myself as hard as I'm used to and I have to figure out my limits.

I stopped running after 2.25 miles, got off the treadmill, and stretched my achy legs. That night, when I woke to go to the bathroom, my lower back hurt a lot when I got up, particularly on the left side. So, running might not be in my future for too much longer. But there's always swimming (a great pregnancy exercise), the stationery bike, the elliptical machine, and walking the crazy dog around the neighborhood. Oh, and prenatal yoga -- perhaps the best exercise ever to stretch out achy muscles and joints. There will be a lot of yoga in my future.

Monday, November 10, 2008

What to Expect in the Next Few Weeks

[ 16w5d]

The time between visits to the doctor seems endless. When at the appointment, the pregnancy seems real and immediate. The last two visits I've heard the heartbeat, which adds to the magic. But slowly the warm and fuzzy starts to fade and I'm ready to get back to the doctor's office to make this all feel real again. Our next appointment is in less than two weeks. It is also when we'll get our second ultrasound, so I'm sure it goes without saying that I'm excited to go back.

I told Adam all of this, that the pregnancy still doesn't feel real, just annoying that all but one pair of my pants still fits (not counting my beloved sweatpants, in men's large). He said my growing belly should make seem real -- it does to him. But I think it won't be until I start feeling the baby move around that I'll feel pregnant, rather than uncomfortable. According to and What to Expect When You're Expecting, I should be feeling this kid in the next 1-4 weeks. This makes me excited most of all!

I'm finally going to cave and buy some maternity pants this week. I bought a sewing pattern and fabric to attempt to make a maternity top, though I don't anticipate having to actually wear one for another month. Thankfully, it's pretty casual where I work (not casual enough to wear my sweatpants, but pretty close), so I won't have to buy a lot of clothes and could get away with wearing jeans everyday. Lucky me. :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

16 Weeks, A Survey


Questions from a pregnancy survey:

First reaction when you found out you were pregnant?
I had a very strong suspicion that I was, but I was still kinda flabbergasted.

How did you tell your husband?
I walked the pregnancy test from the bathroom to the living room, showed it to him, and said, "I knew it."

What is your favorite thing about being pregnant? Least favorite?
Favorite: People ask me sincerely how I'm doing. Least favorite: Being tired and crabby.

Favorite children's book?
Anything by Shel Silverstein

Any cravings? If yes, what are they?
Wendy's french fries, anything chocolate

Which TV mom will you be most like?
Lois from Family Guy A combination of Lois from Family Guy and Annie Camden from Seventh Heaven

Stay at home or back to work after the baby?
Hopefully, part-time work

During labor: all natural or bring on the drugs?
After all the reading I've done, I'm planning to go all natural.

Husband: prince charming or not?
Adam has been great with everything, especially when I freak out or have a particularly hormonal day. Somehow everything is better when I get a hug from him.

Breast feeding or bottle?

What do you hope the baby gets from you/SO? Doesn't get?
I hope it gets Adam's laid back attitude and my passion for life. I hope it doesn't get my short fuse.

More kids or are you done?
We'd like at least one more. Hopefully, we can wrangle ourselves a boy and a girl.

Just won the lottery, what's the first thing you'd buy for yourself?
A Honda Element. Gosh, if only we could afford one now . . .

Last movie that made you cry?
The Business of Being Born

Dream job?
Freelance writing and teaching part time

Anyone getting on your nerves yet?
Too many to count. I wish I was more patient and didn't have the urge to yell at everyone.

Spankings or time out?
Both, I'm sure.

Best dream while being pregnant? Worst dream?
I don't remember any, just that they are vivid and frequent. Of course, I've always had a lot of weird dreams (just ask Adam).

Advice you'd give to a newly preggo friend?
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.